by Brenda L. Madden |
 Outlaws and Country Music
have gone hand in hand for quite some time, but
exactly where did it all begin? While most
remember the big outlaw surge in the mid-70s by
Waylon and Willie, The Country Cavaleers were
years ahead. The long-haired anti-drug duo, James
Marvell and Buddy Good, donned cowboy hats and
shocked the country music community with their
traditional country sound.
Founding member, James
Marvells musical career spans the genres of
pop, country and gospel. His first taste of
success came with his garage band, The Skopes in
1965. That teenage band also included, Buddy
Good, the other founding member of The Country
Cavaleers. With the assistance of
manager/producer, John Centinaro, The Skopes
released their first single, Shes Got
Bad Breath on USA Records, but just as the
song was catching on, it was banned by Scope for
trademark infringement. That brush with success
and a thirst for more, led 
James and Buddy to begin recording with the band
Mercy. "Love Can Make You Happy" was a
million-seller and Mercy found themselves ranking
in Billboards Top 10 alongside the legends
- The Beatles, Elvis Presley, and Frank Sinatra.
Despite their success in the pop
market, James began missing his early country
music roots. At the age of 12, he learned to play
guitar, eventually meeting Bobby Bares
Uncle Johnny, who taught James about country
music. However, during his formative teenage
years, the pull to rock n roll was too much
and it led him down that musical path first, but
his desire to play and sing country music
returned as it did for his singing partner, Buddy
So the two musicians headed to Nashville,
where they secured a recording deal with MGM
Records and a booking agreement with Buddy Lee
Attractions. However, when they got to Nashville,
they didnt conform to the conservative
country music image of the time
they kept
their long hair and modern outfits
added in
cowboy hats and a traditional country music
sound. With that contemporary look and
traditional musical style they met
resistance from within the industry, but garnered
the respect of fellow artists. As Grand Ole Opry
Member, Jean Shepard stated, In 1970, James
& Buddy (The Country Cavaleers) had a style
of music and appearance unlike anything at that
time and in my opinion they were the first
country music outlaws.

James continued his musical journey
with solo recordings in the 80s and in the 90s
found success in the Christian Country market
with appearances on gospel networks CTN, TCT and
TBN. Over the years, he also developed his talent
as a jewelry designer selling his creations to
legends such as Johnny Cash, June Carter Cash,
Bill Monroe and Willie Nelson.
Despite a musical career full of ups and downs
and twists and turns, James Marvell has no
regrets. His song, Urban Cowboys, Outlaws
& Cavaleers, now in the Top 10 on the
IndieWorld Country Chart continues a tradition he
began a long time ago.